Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Athazagoraphobia - Word of the Week

Our word of the week is a phobia known as athazagoraphobia, which means the fear of being forgotten or ignored. As students of learning, while you continue  to practice social distancing during COVID-19 Pandemic, I want to assure you that we, here at Wallace Community College, have not forgotten you. Although it is a seldom reported and rarely discussed phobia, Athazagoraphobia is very real, and its symptoms are very common. Notice these familiar indicators:
• panic attacks.
• body aches.
• muscle tension.
• increased heart rate.
• increased blood pressure.
• dizziness.
• restlessness, nervousness.
• fainting.
To lessen the effects of Athazagoraphobia during this Pandemic, plan your daily events and create a study routine. Then follow this schedule exactly. For more information on Athazagoraphobia...