Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just One Opportunity

If one seeks the meaning of " opportunity" they will see the following: "A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something." So I ask you think about a time when something you wished for really did happen. What did it feel like?  How did you navigate to make it possible?  Did you feel bubbles bursting on the inside?  Now, think how that feeling boosted your confidence and madeyou realize the impossible is possible.

I tend to think that small accomplishments will increase that set of circumstances to make your dream a reality. Sometime, we just need that push. For instance, last week our UB advisor took note of  a student who had a dream of becoming a pilot. Yet, this dream became a mystical memory when someone gave her misinformation. When the UB advisor realized her dream, the staff sought for an opportunity. Basically, the UB advisor gathered a set of circumstances that entailed the misinformation, a lost dream, and the significant push from an experienced person to form a plan for the student.

The UB advisor found an experienced pilot who flies aircraft for the Army. This experienced pilot resembles similar characteristics of the student - same gender, same ethnicity, and same origin.  UB advisor arranged a meeting for this pilot to mentor our UB student. From the very first meeting, our student profoundly gained confidence on how to make her dream a reality. Now she is preparing to enter a program from high school to pilot school.

Please note in this scenario, the misinformation that caused the lost dream, also initiated the set of circumstances that lead to meeting someone to make the dream a reality. So the Bottom Line is as follows: 

Dreams produce a set of circumstances of which you can make the impossible possible. Seek opportunities to make your dream a reality.   

Natalie concurs with this blog by stating "misinformation produces an opportunity for something better."

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