Monday, February 11, 2019

Anticipation vs Expectation

Expectation and anticipation may seem similar; yet, a deeper understanding will reveal a totally different usage of each word. Merriam Webster gives the same definition for both terms – “act of looking forward.” After a careful analysis of these terms one will uncover something completely different.

Expectation is the belief that something will happen. A person who expects already has a perceived idea what will happen which leads to a well thought-out or notion about the event before it actually happens. In other words, your expectation moves your feelings or beliefs regarding the success of what you already know will happen. Expectation is silently waiting for something to happen. Whereas, anticipation creates a hopeful experience or chance for an opportunity leading to foreseen events. Anticipation brings excitement, since a prior action must occur for a later action to unfold. Therefore, anticipation coveys feelings of excitement because you know something will happen.  

As students of learning, stop expecting good grades, but anticipate excellent grades. Remember, a prior action must occur for you to anticipate another action. Your actions of ongoing studying, updating study techniques, recalling information, reviewing your notes, and even mapping ways to master new material consist of actions for anticipation to materialize. Anticipation requires energy and preparation. Anticipation creates possibilities for successful outcome. Anticipation keeps you engaged while preparing you for every opportunity to perform beyond your wildest expectation. I challenge you to anticipate excellence instead of waiting silently to expect good grades.

Now Get that Tassel  with much ANTICIPATION.  

Monday, February 4, 2019

Condone - Word of the Week

Our word of the week is condone. Condone is a verb that means to treat something bad as acceptable or harmless. As student of learning, one must never condone the passing of tests without studying. Even when one makes a satisfactory grade from unpreparedness, it does not mean you should condone that method of success. Therefore, a rigid routine of studying creates readiness for each exam.

Now Get that Tassel at Wallace Community College.