Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Do Equalizers Exist in the Real World?

After seeing the movie The Equalizer played by the renowned star, Denzel Washington, I left the theater with this question. Do equalizers exist in the real world?  Robert McCall, the character portrayed by Denzel Washington, is a former Black OPS Commando who faked his death to live a normal life in Boston. Yet, what is normal when an innocent individual like Terri, an aspiring singer/teen hooker finds herself in an unresolved circumstance. Is it normal to rescue such a one like Robert does in the movie?  I think an affirmative answer resides in our DNA. All of us have that deep desire to see others prosper which I turn your attention to a quote that appears at the beginning of the movie "the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why" by Mark Twain.

When you give others -- your time and your talents, the sense of accomplishment begin to materialize in ones' life as well as in the recipients.  Therefore, I challenge you to find out your reason for existing through volunteering your time and your talents in aiding your fellow beings. Then watch the fruit of your labor blosson as protrayed when Terri, the aspiring singer, approaches Robert in the last scene. Unbeknowingly, the plot that unfolded for 2 1/2 hours to secure her freedom, now she approaches Robert with excitement and new enthusiasm to update him about her new found life. Consequently,  as movie goers lead the theater, they will become equalizers. 

Join the Equalizers in TRIO and aid someone today:
Demarcus and Ahmad knows their true purpose and attest that TRiO will give them that edge to be an equalizer.   
Porsha another equalizer spends her off days volunteering at Abbeville Boys and Girls Club.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

What is Altruism?

While listening to NPR, one tends to hear an array of topics that will alert your thought processing. For example, the segment on "Altruism" caused me to ponder why someone will seek someone else's welfare, even at a risk to self. The definition of altruism is a behavior that shows a desire to help other people. Therefore, I wonder if the foundation of happiness reflects the way we treat others instead of what we want. Can altruistic individuals live healthy lives? Are altruistic less depressed? Do altruistic live longer and possess less chronic illnesses? I will answer "Yes" to all these abstract questions for the sole rationale that existence is a common thread between seeking the well-being of others than seeking self-gratification. Think about people who dedicate their lives for a cause bigger than they compared to the ones who seek to become rich based on their self-absolved fame. Which person will live a fulfill life despite the longevity of ones’ existence?

Note that altruistic individuals are not extinct; so the bottom line is that I encourage you to find a mean to volunteer now before you make your million and watch this altruistic mentality fulfill the basic essence for achieving your educational goal.

Two individuals concur with this theory by quoting, "We believe that putting others people welfare before our own is the key to a happy life. There is more to life than being famous or rich. Being wealthy with a generous loving heart should bring a sense of fulfillment to one's life. We firmly believe getting involved in the community is the right thing to do. Giving back and seeing how you've touched and changed someone life is the big reward we look forward to in life." 
quoted by: Shetavia and Kanique

Strive to become a contributor instead of a benefactor

Monday, September 22, 2014

Why College?

Why attend Wallace Community College (WCC), yet the obvious answer is "Why Not?" 

By now, one realizes that WCC involves work.  One can easily yield to the tempatation of just going to class and going home. Yet, if you become involve like joining clubs, visiting your professors, getting to know the staff, researching your project in the Learning Resource Center, and even regularly attending tutorial sessions, you will grow trememdously. Just staying on campus longer will benefit your educational growth. For example, past WCC graduates balanced academics with jobs and family obligations, therefore; you too can reach this milestore despite the external challenges. 

Remember, WCC requires -- your time, your growth, your knowledge, your fortitude, your resilience. Afterward, we will celebrate acquiring that tassel on graduation day. 

So stay encouraged!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Upward Bound Students

Determination can feasibly occur anywhere and anytime. For example, the incoming students for Upward Bound (UB) displayed this type of determination when they spent Saturday morning coming to WCC Sparks Campus for their initial interviews.  Mkiyah Jackson represents this group.  She stated joining UB will further her dream of obtaining a Bachelor Degree in Forensic Science at Ohio State University.  When questioned what can she bring to UB, she quickly expressed, "I am smart and intelligence and ready..."  You go Mkiyah!
Tianna M

This type of spirit breeds enthusiasm and passion. So I  challenge all to dream more, learn more, and do more so you can become the next leaders for generations after you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Develop Your College Rhythm

As you continue to progress through this term, I know you have a rhythm that consist of attending classes, taking notes, and studying while still performing routine duties. If you lack such a rhythm, I want to encourage you to explore various routines to maximize your time management.  Time becomes a valuable commodity when your schedule includes reading and studying.  First, take a self-inventory earlier in the semester to ensure you are meeting all requirements for your courses.  

Below are some Time Management suggestions for your review:

8. Conclusion